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尚雯婕新歌The One That Ran Away完整版歌词介绍

来源:qq音乐 2017-10-16 09:31 /


  尚雯婕新歌The One That Ran Away完整版歌词介绍

  The One That Ran Away - 尚雯婕



  编曲:Anu Pillai


  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  I was better

  I was free

  You took that chance

  You caught me off guard

  God I believed

  You were the one

  But you turned me around

  You let me down

  Why did I want to be with you

  You made your promises you chose to break them all

  So much damage you gave me

  Hurt like hell you are so mean

  Why did I want to be with you

  I was so in love well I was just a fool

  Now I am running and screaming like I'm stupid

  Well damn it feels so real

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  We were happy

  But I felt scared

  Then you left

  It happened fast

  You had the chance

  You gave it up

  You've ruined me

  You've ruined me

  Why did I want to be with you

  You made your promises you chose to break them all

  So much damage you gave me

  Hurt like hell you are so mean

  Why did I want to be with you

  I was so in love well I was just a fool

  Now I am running and screaming like I'm stupid

  Well damn it feels so real

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  Lalala Lalala

  I'll forget eventually

  Every word you said to me

  One day you'll be on your knees

  Regretting what you did to me

  I surely won't be listening

  All your sorry's mean nothing

  The time you come back for me

  I'll just be higher than you could reach

  The one that ran away

  The one that ran away

  The one that ran away

  The one that ran away

  Why did I want to be with you

  Why did I want to be with you

  The one that ran away

  The one that ran away

  The one that ran away

  The one that ran away

  This time you're the one that ran away

  This time you're the one that ran away


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