• ABERDEEN, S.D. – The Northern State University Theatre Program announces its slate of theatrical programming for the 2023-24 season.

    The Johnson Fine Arts Center will host a season of comedic theatre filled with surprises. “The theme for next year’s season is ‘Surprisingly Funny,’” says professor Kane Anderson. “The Season Selection Committee pored over scripts and scores before putting together an exciting collection of shows… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University’s Dr. Ginny Lewis has published the book, “The Novels of Zsigmond Móricz in the Context of European Realism.”

    In the book, released by publisher Peter Lang Group, Lewis focuses on seven novels by Móricz, analyzing each in chronological order to show the author’s development of themes surrounding agency and greed in modern society.

    This is the latest in several books written or translated by Lewis, NSU Professor of German and literary scholar. Previous… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University’s Dr. Nuurrianti Jalli has been appointed as advisor/governing council member for the Foundation for Advancing Critical Thinking in South Asia (FACTS Asia). 

    In this role, Jalli will serve as an external expert on dis/misinformation and media and information literacy for the organization, a nonprofit educational initiative based in India. The two-year appointment lasts until December 2024.

    Jalli, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, joined the NSU faculty in 2021.… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – The Northern Innovation and Startup Center—now called Thunder Labs—will host an evening of emerging tech on Feb. 27 beginning at 5 p.m. at Northern State University.

    “Emerging Tech: Gamifying Education,” which is free and open to the public, will showcase emerging technology that can inspire local innovators and contribute to an emerging tech startup ecosystem.

    The event will take place in the NSU Student Center Centennial Room and Mezzanine. Parking is available in the Washington Street Lot.

    At 5 p.m., Kaleb Dschaak, CEO of Fenworks,… more

  • Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect the concert's cancellation

    ABERDEEN, S.D. – The Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony’s re-scheduled concert on Tuesday, March 21 featuring The… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Artwork by Northern State University students is on display this month at Red Rooster Coffee House in downtown Aberdeen.

    The display features a range of media by Northern art students, including drawing, painting, photography, digital collage and mixed media.

    It’s the second year NSU students have shown work at the Red Rooster—and it’s a fantastic opportunity to share their work with the community, said NSU Instructor of Art Alexis Doerr.

    “It's a show that the students look forward to having their work in,” Doerr said. “The Red Rooster… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University and the NSU Foundation will host the third annual day of giving, GiveNDay, on Wednesday, April 5.

    Also known as #OneDayOnePack, this 24-hour challenge is designed to inspire all supporters of Northern to come together to provide essential funding across the university.

    Last year’s event was a huge success, with the community raising $330,000 from over 1,800 donors. This year’s goal is to receive support from 2,500 donors in 24 hours.

    “There is a lot of pride and… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University student Megan Fastenau presented her research at the Legislative Poster Session on Feb. 7 in Pierre.

    Fastenau, a sophomore biochemistry major from Aberdeen, attended the session along with Drs. Susan Citrak and Jon Mitchell, Northern faculty members.

    Fastenau’s project, “Bacteriophage Isolation against Actinomycete Gordonia rubripertincta and Bioinformatic Characterization of the Bacteriophages MossRose and Eliott,” aims to isolate and purify… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Partnerships with community agencies provide free or cost-effective services for Northern State University students that support their academic and personal success.

    Engaging community partners in strategies and projects to advance NSU, Aberdeen and the region is Northern’s third Strategic Priority.

    Community agencies include:
    ?    Aberdeen Police Department
    ?    Avera Health
    ?    Northeastern Mental Health Centers
    ?    Safe Harbor
    ?  … more

  • Caption: NSU students Meghan Anderson, Chase Groh and Ellie McCormick (left to right) present to members of the Aberdeen Area Community Foundation Board.


    ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University students gained real-world experience and helped a nonprofit organization enhance its marketing efforts, thanks to a local partnership.

    NSU students collaborated with the Aberdeen Area Community Foundation,… more