Support and enhance the arts at NSU and enjoy exclusive benefits and privileges by becoming a Donor, Friend, Patron or Benefactor.

Ken Boulton

As we enter the 2024-25 academic year, I want to thank you so much for your support of our program. Northern State University’s School of Fine Arts enjoys a much-deserved reputation as the premier arts destination in our region. This is reflected in the community’s deep sense of pride in our accomplishments, as well as a tradition of achievement from our faculty and students. Additionally, we embrace the arts as a source of resilience, expression, and revitalization.

One of the newest centerpieces of this vision is the Molded Fiber Glass South Dakota Art Pavilion, shown on the cover of this brochure. Located directly east of Spafford Hall on the NSU campus, this space will showcase 3D artwork of NSU art students, faculty, and visiting artists. It will also provide visitors and passers-by with a view of the artists’ creative processes. Originally launched in 2019 with a generous $30,000 gift from the Molded Fiber Glass Foundation, the project recently benefitted from an additional $67,000 of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, approved for this specific use by the United States Department of Education. The pavilion is part of the School of Fine Arts’ mission to align our facilities with a more modern and collaborative curriculum, and create new learning experiences for our students.

To support these creative activities, we recently opened the new NSU Moving-Imagery Lab and Podcasting Studio, and will soon complete the new NSU Cinematic and Auditory Virtual Environments Lab. These transformative facilities and collaborative degree options are unique in South Dakota, and bring our art, theatre, and music students together in unparalleled ways.

I am proud of NSU’s commitment to providing a superior education in the visual and performing arts, where students develop their talents, refine their passions, and ultimately become leaders in their chosen fields. Now more than ever, we have created an academic environment that encourages students to explore a multitude of artistic opportunities, wherever their talents lead them. Truly, our students do it all!

As you peruse this booklet, I hope you enjoy the chance to review the past year in photos, preview the exciting 2024-25 season, and consider contributing to the School of Fine Arts’ growing base of support. As always, I look forward to sharing and celebrating our bright future with you.

Warm regards,

Dr. Kenneth O. Boulton
Dean, School of Fine Arts

Friends of the Arts/NSU Members

We are grateful for the following supporters of the Friends of the Arts/NSU membership group. Their generosity benefits the educational and programmatic resources available to the entire NSU School of Fine Arts.

Sponsor Level

Annalee Boulton

Kenneth Boulton and JoAnne Barry

Dacotah Bank

Zach and Amy Flakus

Erin and David Giovannini

John Holstad

Howard Memorial Fund

Harvey and Cynthia Jewett

J.R. and Lola Klein

Grant and Marcia Manhart

Pizza Ranch, Aberdeen

Carlyle and Sheila Richards

Neal and Teresa Schnoor

Elena Wilson and Christopher Stanichar


Benefactor Level

Francis Aldinger

Darci Bultema and Michael Skyles

Skip and Betty Clay

Connie Eitzen

Donald and Linda Erlenbusch

Wayne and Donna Fischer

Robert and Erin Fouberg

Kessler’s, Aberdeen

Brenda and Alan Lanphere

Arlin and Karine Myrmoe

Arthur and Maggie Russo

Gerald and Kathleen Skyles

Michael and Martha Wanous

Robert and Lorene Webb

William and Mary Ann Wieland


Patron Level

Stacy and Cary Bauer

Blake Day

Rosemary Des Camps

Jean and Paul Dutt

Wesley and Arlene Elliott

James and Kay Fischer

Linda and John Fritz

Patty Kirkpatrick

Michael and Sandra Levsen

Jim and Vicki Lust

Roger and Nila Novotny

Janis Pearson

Cheryl and Neil Schaar

Jerome Stiegelmeier

Joshua and Kaylee Van Laecken

Friend Level

Mark and Holly Engelhart

Marcela Faflak

Harry and Florence Johnson

Susan Johnston

Gregg and Barbara Magera

Carmen Meyer

Aimee and John Roy

Valerie Thomas

Roger and Joyce Torgerson

Daniel and Diane Witteman

Timothy and Amy Woods

Donor Level

Arliss Alberts

Kane Anderson

Jim and Susan Appl

Alex Barlett

Amy Beaner

Jennifer Bengs

Chad and Shannon Bergan

Julia Berger

Edward and Jean Bosanko

Dennis and Catherine Bresee

Brenda Callahan

Rhonda and Troy Carda

Linda Carlsgaard

Mic Daggett

Cynthia Finn

Marla Fogderud

Kyle French

Jean Furman

Jerome Goddard

Doris Graeber

Emily Guhin

Sharleen and Lynn Harnisch

Mary McGregor Heier

Duane and Annette Helgelien

Adam Henning

Daniel Hepper

Donald Hess

Gwen Heyd

Diane Hoines

Rebecca Holman

Marlin and Patti Hout

Kent Hyde

Duane Iwerks

Allan Jacobson

Melanie Jacobson

Corinne A. Jameson

Reid Johnson

C. Scott and Lorna Johnston

Susan and Jason Karels

Karen Kindler

James Klein

Jeffrey Kolbo

Alyson Lang

Lori and Kevin Larson

Michael Likness

Janet Locke

Clark Lunstrum

Raymond and Beverly Mack

Mary Manthei

Steven McKee

Glenn Melcher

Michelle Mennis

Audrey Miller and Ryan Clay

Kent Moeckly

Tamara Morehouse

Marla and Rodney Mosiman

Eugene Myers

Heather Nelson

Melissa Nguyen

Jared Opp

Carl and Sheryl Perry

Ronald Prasek

Mary and Andy Raile

Timothy Rickett

Daryl and Barbara Rieck 

Lora and Neil Schaunaman

Cynthia R. Schick

Everett Schulz

Jeremy Schutter

John Schwab

Brian and Gretchen Sharp

Mary and Don Sieck

Kristiey Sim

Carla Sims

Jay and Kristin Tobin

Paige Tooker

Peggy and Milton Ustad

Marjorie Wagner

Kelly Weaver

Kathleen Webb

Rhonda Westman

Karen Youngman


Become a member of the Friends of the Arts/NSU!

Give Now

Support and enhance the arts at NSU and enjoy exclusive benefits and privileges by becoming a Sponsor, Benefactor, Patron, Friend, or Donor.


  • Special Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Kick-Off in the Johnson Fine Arts Center Gallery X
  • Special Friends of the Arts/NSU Appreciation Social and Art Sale in the Barnett Center Kessler’s Champions Club
  • Pre-show hors d’oeuvres socials for selected School of Fine Arts 2023-24 events
  • Recognition in performance programs and on the NSU School of Fine Arts website


$2,500 (individual); $5,000 (couple)

  • Membership benefits
  • Plus!
  1. The option to designate a portion of your gift ($1,500 minimum) to establishing a new named scholarship and determining the criteria for the award OR
  2. The option to designate a portion of your gift ($1,500 minimum) to sponsoring one of the School of Fine Arts 2023-24 season events
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a Friends of the Arts/NSU holiday gathering at President Neal and Teresa Schnoor’s residence
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a “meet and greet” dessert reception with acclaimed Norwegian concert pianist Oda Hjertine Voltersvik following her November performance with the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a special pre-concert reception for the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony February concert, featuring a Rogers and Hammerstein showcase
  • Plus! Complimentary tickets to all 10 School of Fine Arts 2023-24 season events


$500 (individual); $1,000 (couple)

  • Plus! Membership benefits
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a Friends of the Arts/NSU holiday gathering at President Neal and Teresa Schnoor’s residence
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a “meet and greet” dessert reception with acclaimed Norwegian concert pianist Oda Hjertine Voltersvik following her November performance with the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a special pre-concert reception for the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony February concert, featuring a Rogers and Hammerstein showcase
  • Plus! Complimentary tickets to all 10 School of Fine Arts 2023-24 season events


$250 (individual); $500 (couple)

  • Membership benefits
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a Friends of the Arts/NSU holiday gathering at President Neal and Teresa Schnoor’s residence
  • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a special pre-concert reception for the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony February concert, featuring a Rogers and Hammerstein showcase
  • Plus! Complimentary tickets to your choice of seven School of Fine Arts 2023-24 season events


$150 (individual); $300 (couple)

  • Membership benefits
  • Plus!  Exclusive invitation to a special pre-concert reception for the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony February concert, featuring a Rogers and Hammerstein showcase
  • Plus! Complimentary tickets to your choice of five School of Fine Arts 2023-24 season events


$50 (individual); $100 (couple)

  • Membership benefits

Friends of the Arts/NSU