Laci Hettick

ABERDEEN, S.D. – From October 6-9, Northern State University’s Laci Hettick joined upcoming leaders of state and regional educational opportunity chapters at Yale University in New Haven, CT, for the Council for Opportunity in Education’s(COE) third annual Executive Leadership Institute for College Opportunity Professionals– a convening of leaders discussing how issues of economic inequality affect education.

The event was sponsored by the COE with the main goal of creating discussion on state and federal policy and focused on how to further the expansion of college opportunities for low-income, first-generation students.

Hettick, Northern’s Director of TRIO Student Support Services on campus, attended the institute in order to learn more on topics of on executive presence, TRIO history, mechanics of federal policy, affecting state policy, how to build effective teams and how to have crucial conversations.

“Throughout the program, we were encouraged, supported and given tools to help us lead at the institutional, state and national level,” said Hettick. “It was a supportive and encouraging atmosphere and I learned more than I even anticipated!”

COE works closely with TRIO, a set of national college access and retention programs that addresses the social and cultural barriers to education in America.

The institute’s curriculum included a tour of Yale’s campus, information about their efforts to assist low-income and first-generation college students, and taking part in an admissions simulation workshop. 

“My favorite part of the experience was the chance to interact with leaders in our TRIO community and professionals from across the country,” Hettick said. “I learned a great deal from others, but I was also able to share the wonderful things the TRIO Student Support Services program is doing at Northern. As a result of attending the institute, I have a whole new and expansive network of resources at my disposal.”

In the weeks since the institute, Hettick has found herself thinking often about many of the ideas that were covered?. A requirement to take part in the Executive Leadership Institute also included mandatory participation in a case study. 

“I was placed in a group consisting of six TRIO professionals and a faculty mentor. For the five months following the institute, we will work together on a case study that addresses a current challenge for student access professionals such as ourselves,” Hettick explained.

The TRIO professionals will then research the topic, write a paper, and create both a slideshow and poster presentation that they will present in Washington, D.C., in March at COE’s Leadership Summit for College Opportunity Professionals.

“The process has been rewarding since the learning didn’t stop once the institute ended,” said Hettick. “I am excited to share what our group learns in Washington, D.C., in March!”

About Northern State University

Northern State University is a regional university that offers outstanding academics and exceptional extracurricular activities at an affordable price on a safe, welcoming campus. Northern State recently announced its Educational Impact Campaign, with a goal of raising $55 million for a new South Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, new athletic and recreation fields, and an on-campus regional sports complex. Once the campaign is complete, NSU will be the recipient of more than $100 million in privately funded building projects and scholarships within a decade. To learn more, visit NSU Admissions
