
ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University faculty members have been honored as the winners of the 2020-21 Nora Staael Evert and Sanford Faculty Development awards.

NSU Assistant Professor of Marketing Dr. Hannah Walters is the winner of the Nora Staael Evert Research Award, which provides a stipend to support a faculty member engaged in scholarly research. Walters won the award for her research project, “An Assessment of Emotional Intelligence in Ethical Decision Making.”

Northern also named four winners of Sanford Faculty Professional Development Awards:

  • Dr. Pamela Monaghan-Geernaert, assistant professor of sociology, “American Indian College Student Retention and Program Review”
  • Dr. Andrew Russell, assistant professor of biology, “Analysis of Zingerone as a Viable Additive to Contact Lens Solution”
  • Dr. Jon Schaff, professor of political science, “A More Perfect Union: Jefferson, Hamilton, and Lincoln and America's Unfinished Work”
  • Dr. Bill Wieland, professor of piano and music theory “Adapt an Original Orchestral Composition for Symphonic Band”

Sanford Faculty Professional Development Awards provide funding to support faculty professional development in two areas: publications, research, and/or scholarly-creative activity; and external grants, funding, and/or resource procurement.

For more information about the university’s research and scholarship efforts, visit NSU Research and Scholarly Activities.

Photo of Hannah Walters
Photo of Pamela Monaghan-Geernaert
Photo of Dr. Andrew Russell
Photo of Jon Schaff
Photo of William Wieland

Pictured from left: Walters, Monaghan-Geernaer?, Russell, Schaff, Wieland

About Northern State University

Northern State University is a regional university that offers outstanding academics and exceptional extracurricular activities at an affordable price on a safe, welcoming campus. Northern State recently announced its Educational Impact Campaign, with a goal of raising $55 million for a new South Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, new athletic and recreation fields, and an on-campus regional sports complex. Once the campaign is complete, NSU will be the recipient of more than $100 million in privately funded building projects and scholarships within a decade. To learn more, visit NSU Admissions